Thursday, May 10, 2012

Open House time!!

It's finally here! On Saturday, May 12th, I will be holding my very first Open House and needless to say I am EXCITED!! I've had quite a few people contact me about the preschool and it looks like I only have a few more seats left to fill in each of the four classes which is so awesome. Hopefully I have a great turn-out on Saturday!

Since my last blog, we have received boxes upon boxes of fun learning tools and manipulatives!

Here's a picture of the stack of boxes that were delivered:

After going through all the boxes and taking everything out, we had quite a mess of awesome-ness!!

Here are just a few of the things we received:
  • Washable Dress-up Animal Masks
  • Sensory Balls
  • Alphabet Stamps and Ink Pads
  • Playdoh Stamps and Rollers
  • TONS of different craft items - feathers, crinkle strips, pom poms, etc.
  • Construction Blocks
  • Scoop-a-bug Sorting Kit
  • Wipe-off Letter and Number Tracers
  • 24 Theme Boxes (my favorite) - five senses, farms, sea life, growing things, just to name a few!
  • and much, much more!!
Every single item goes along with my "learn through play" or hands-on curriculum. I will be spending my summer making sure to incorporate all of these great items into our curriculum. (Have I mentioned yet how much fun I have planning our daily preschool curriculum? LOVE IT!)