I also pulled out my Food/Nutrition theme tub for the kids to play with during free play and it was quite popular! It has tons of play food in it plus shopping lists for the kids to go "shopping" with. Fun!
I also changed up our rice table by dumping in my tub of styrofoam letters - the kids had fun finding the letters in their name. :)
One of the fall crafts that we made required us to crunch up a bunch of leaves (which Ms. Dee Dee had to bring from her house because I don't have any full grown trees!) and sprinkle them onto a leave cutout covered in glue. Great sensory craft!
A couple of our math activities this week included seeing how many little squares we could glue onto our rectangle and gluing tissue paper squares onto a bigger square.
With the weather so cold and yucky outside, we try to do as much large motor work as we can inside! :)
A couple of the classes were able to stamp up their own little aprons!
Sometimes I forget to take random pics of the kids....here's a cute one of Miss Alexis in some Minnie Mouse ears at play time!
Sometime back, one of the morning groups made some homemade clay (after the mess it made, I decided not to do it with any of the other classes - LOL). After it dried completely, they were able to make necklaces with the beads they made!
When asked what their most favorite food to bake and eat is, it was a pretty unanimous answer across the classes: PIZZA!!
We love stamping! And you can make a stamp out of darn near anything.....including our building blocks!
We also started coloring our big turkey this week! :)
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